Chapter 3.1
Posted on Fri Jan 20th, 2023 @ 12:44pm by Willian Targaryen & Lieutenant Commander Ialo Gojir & Lieutenant Jardok & Captain Nathan Bishop & Commander Nathan Hawkins
3,189 words; about a 16 minute read
No One Gets Left Behind
Location: Risian Weather Control Station
Timeline: 3189-03-16, 12:00
The Risian Weather Control Grid was the pinnacle of environmental engineering when it was constructed and brought online in the 22nd Century. The Grid was comprised of a comprehensive network of several thousand satellites, placed in orbital paths above a planet, that would deploy countermeasures designed to impact the basic elements of weather, heat, pressure, and water to influence weather patterns. When working properly entire storm systems that could devastate a region could be quickly circumvented and compensated for, allowing a peaceful and tranquil life for anyone on the planet. It was truly a miraculous invention that was worthy of its place in the history books.
As the transporter beams materialized in the center of the massive control station's cargo bay, Lieutenant Commander Ialo Gojir's mind didn't fall to the miraculous nature of the station but rather to surprise at how antiquated it had become over the centuries of service. As she looked around her mind compared it to every other station that she had ever been on during her career. Most of the outposts she knew had been immense, clean, and bright places. Risian Weather Control was anything but. It was dirty, cramped, and surprisingly mechanical. In fact it was hard for her to wonder if the station's age was the culprit as she saw a Risan worker flipping controls that were clearly from the 23rd Century on a hanging manufacturing arm.
"Talk about a classic," the Cardassian mumbled as she activated her Tricorder.
"Looks like we have our work cut out for us." Patton murmured as he looked around. He immediately scanned the area for any signs of trouble.
The Cardassian Engineer looked at the expansive collection of satellites throughout the chamber, "If it weren't for the fact that Risa was about to reach a point of no return I'd probably be having a field day in here."
Hawkins' gaze roamed the room instantly feeling his shoulders tense with the weight of the burden upon them. The station was far more complicated than he'd been expecting with technology spanning countless decades.
"I hope you're a fast learner Gojir," he muttered lowly watching the local workers momentarily wondering how a pair of them were suspended from the ceiling and wished sorely Ash was here too.
The Cardassian Engineer smiled politely, but did not comment on the muttered words. Despite having been an engineer for most of her life, her hearing was still almost perfect. Strange, especially for the number of loud noises she was exposed to over the years.
Jardok's comm voice interrupted them, "Just a quick update from nearby: the Enterprise is detecting an additional storm cell brewing over Risa. We have, roughly, thirty minutes."
Jasmine heard the communication. She looked over to Bishop. "Gonna answer that?" Jasmine said softly, just reminding him. She was a little nervous about the incoming storm, hopefully though they would be able to complete their mission before it arrived.
Patton didn't detect anything out of the ordinary but it didn't mean that things were okay. he knew better than to count on equipment alone. Nothing was perfect one hundred percent of the time. "We should get a move on." He suggested. "Thirty minutes isn't a lot of time."
From the distance one of the workers, a Risan woman, turned toward the group of Starfleet Officers. Dressed in a utility uniform, the woman held a hyperspanner in her hand as she joined the Starfleet group. "Welcome to Risian Control," she said formally, "I'm Lieutenant Commander Rini Laldis, Mission Specialist for the Risian Weather Grid. I wish I could welcome you under better circumstances, but we're in the middle of a crisis." She turned and walked toward the satellite, speaking over her shoulder, "I'd love to chat but I'm on a tight clock or we may have to evacuate the entire planet."
"We are here to help." Patton spoke up. He was interested in hearing what she had to say and looked to Bishop for him to reply to her.
Bishop smiled at her, "That's why we're here, to prevent that decision from coming about."
"This is the satellite that we tracked the initial breakdown to," the Engineer said pointing to the satellite - about the size of a hovertruck. "The unit malfunctioned, caused a tornado outbreak in a coastal region, but we were able to pull it. We thought it was fine, but then another unit malfunctioned, followed by a third, now we're up to the entire grid. We've tried to restart the system, but it's failed each time."
The Cardassian Engineer interrupted, "Were you able to isolate through the data why the satellite malfunctioned?'
"We don't know. We checked the satellite's computer core, but the logs were wiped clean by the malfunction," the lead engineer explained.
"A virus?" Hawkins pondered scanning the original culprit while the conversation continued.
"Did you check other satellites? Did any of them show corruption?" It was Commander Gojir.
Another technician, this one a Risian man, answered, annoyed, "There are over 1,300 satellites. We haven't had time."
"Each of the satellites failing has made investigating all of them nearly impossible," Rini added.
"That would be difficult." Patton spoke up and looked to the Cardassian Engineer. "What can we do to help them in the time we have?"
Ialo had activated the Engineering Tricorder subroutines of her TriComm and was already studying the satellite when she heard the Security Chief. "The chances of us finding the correct satellite in the little bit of time we have left is astronomical. As the technician indicated we have 1,348 total satellites in orbit of Risa. Any of them could be the source of this contagion, not to mention this station itself could be the source."
"Could your vessel scan the satellite grid?" Laldis asked as she maneuvered her hyperspanner around portions of the circuitry.
"Just as unlikely," Gojir answered. "While we upgraded Enterprise's sensors, the truth is they're still pretty old compared to the rest of the galaxy. If we had the Stargazer maybe we could scan all of them in 30 minutes, but I doubt it with the Enterprise."
The Risian woman interjected, "What if they scanned the original satellites in sequence? Maybe they'd find one with data intact? We haven't been able to pull all of them and our communications are overwhelmed by everything going on."
"That could work," the Cardassian answered, "but it's a decision above my paygrade." She looked at Bishop as the Mission Commander and First Officer, knowing he could ask Jardok to run the scans.
"I don't think it would be wise to even attempt the Enterprise to scan the grid. Our technology is not compatible, also it could send what ever is affecting the grid to the Enterprise." Jasmine said, as she looked over to Bishop. That would be a very bad idea in her mind.
Haynes had a point, Hawkins concluded but it would have been the most efficient method of root causing what caused this cascade and how best to restore order before the planet suffered any further.
“It would definitely require more data and research.” Patton spoke up while they waited for Bishop to respond. He looked to Jasmine and then to Bishop. “I concur it would also be a security risk to our ship and people.”
Bishop listened as options were discussed and discarded. Finally, after Jasmine and Patton had given their opinions, he spoke. "Enough, not going to scan the grid, the downside is too much. We don't want to possibly compromise the Enterprise. Let's get a look at the data. If one satellite failed and them others did as well, could we be looking at a virus that has spread through the grid?"
"That was why we needed to use your ship to scan," pointed out the Starfleet Mission Specialist that commanded the Risian Control Grid. Commander Laldis closed the panel on the satellite, "The culprit, most likely, is a virus, but we have been unable to isolate it. All of the data on this satellite's drives have been erased and we don't have time to scan the rest. We've been trying to prevent the storms from getting worse, but the few remaining satellites we have operational are not enough to overcome the global storm that's forming." The Risian woman sighed, "Captain, we need to evacuate Risa. The planet will be incapable of supporting life in less than an hour."
"An hour?" Bishop replied incredulously. "How do you think we are going to evacuate an entire planet in a hour Commander? We are one ship, not an armada."
“We definitely need a plan.” Patton said with conviction. He was determined they would do whatever it took. “One casualty is too many.”
Still sitting on his hunches inspecting the original satellite away from the rest of the party Hawkins clenched his jaw as the conversation spiralled. It was the age old issue - time was their greatest enemy and arguing over the situation wasted precious minuets.
Commander Gojir looked at the Tricorder data that played across her holographic screen as the others discussed and debated. Rotating through the different choices on the display of the Engineering Tricorder, she absently answered, "You don't. There's no way to evacuate an entire planet just with the Enterprise. Not even if you had a year could you evacuate Risa successfully with just the one ship."
Commander Laldis brushed a lock of hair from the side of her face, "I am a child of Risa, Commander, and I can tell you that your assessment of evacuation is correct. Regardless, we must face facts. The planet is dying. We need to leave it. How many can your ship evacuate? How soon can we begin transporting over refugees? Can we get other ships here? How long will it take?"
Bishop didn't answer the barrage of questions Laldis fired at him instead he looked at the assembled officers. "What if everyone we transport up, we keep in the transporter pattern buffer? How many could we evac of the surface?"
Closing his eye momentarily at Bishop's question Hawkins chewed his bottom lip before raising to his feet to re-join the away party. Even with her upgrade the Enterprise wouldn't be able to hold a fraction of the Risa's population. Was this going to be another planet they were unable to aid? He couldn't stomach another devastating loss.
Gojir considered her answer beforee speaking. Fortunately for them she had studied the transporter technologies of the Federation at length, as far back as the 23rd Century, and had a potential solution. "Back in the late 24th Century, shortly before the Synthetic Attack on Mars, a Starfleet researcher had developed a specialized incarceration technology based on a starship transporter. With the events on Svian I had began calculating how to implement the equipment aboard the Enterprise to try to evacuate the Svians. My calculations are still in the database, just not activated. Once online the system would function indefinitely with an infinite number of users, so long as it had enough power and memory to hold the patterns."
Surprised Gojir had been working on this idea without hearing about it Hawkins fixed her a thoughtful look trying to understand her theory and rough calculations. He dread to ask: "How much?"
"Away Teams, this is Enterprise. Emerald Chain forces are inbound. Please hunker down and prepare yourselves for what may come. We hope to be out of this soon. Enterprise out."
"That certainly complicates things," Hawkins commented.
Gojir nodded, "Indeed, Commander."
"Table the discussion for now. You heard the ship. Hunker down and be ready for what may come." Bishop told the group.
“Let’s move it.” Patton growled at the others. It was his responsibility to protect them. “I’m not losing anyone.”
"You heard him, time to hunker down Commander O'Sullivan." Jasmine said, still feeling a little distain for him. She was trying to get over it. They really had not worked together in over a couple of years.
Adjusting readouts on the Holo Tricorder, Dethiv Sork scrolled through the data on the display. The images that he was looking at were obscured by the opaque backing, but the outline of the satellite grid could almost be made out by the others. The Risian closed out the screen at the announcement of the incoming Emerald Chain vessel, quickly moving away from the satellite and heading toward the exit.
Laldis' eyebrow rose as the Technician fled.
Catching the fleeting figure in the edge of this vision Hawkins asked Laldis where he could have been going to: "Do you have an evacuation point or emergency station? Where else would he go?"
"Is it safe to go out in this storm?" Jasmine asked, thinking they should ride it out. And go with Hawkins original plan. She would prefer to play it safe.
"The station's airlock and escape pod are located down that corridor," the Lieutenant Commander notified. "It's doubtful that the pod could survive a trip to the surface, who'd want to go there anyway if the planetary storms destroy the atmosphere," she went silent as he jaw dropped, "Could he be going for the Emerald Chain ship?"
"Perhaps he is panicking." Patton spoke up. A lot of people prepared for emergencies but when they happened they forgot all that they had learned. "We need to find the best location here to hunker down and wait it out. Going out there would be a death sentence." He hated to state it like that but it was how he felt.
Bishop listened as his officers and Laldis tossed thoughts back and forth concerning the disappearing technician. "We can continue this discussion later. For now, i suggest we hunker down as we were advised to and get ready for this storm to hit."
Jasmine felt bad for him, but there was nothing they could do. They needed to ride out the storm and hoped that he made it safely. It was foolish for him to try to flea. They were already passed that point. Bishop was right, they needed to hunker down and wait for the storm to pass. She nodded as she looked for a secure place to stay.
Patton turned to Bishop. "I recommend a central place, away from the outer sections. If the station sustains any damage it is likely to be in those areas. If we're towards the middle in a closed in area we are more likely to be protected."
"The station is, mainly, one large repair bay," Lieutenant Commander Laldis explained. "We have crew quarters on the lower level and the central control room up there," she motioned.
"What is your assessment of the control room?" Patton asked immediately. "I am thinking that would be our best bet. Out in the open here if there is outer damage we are done for."
While the others planned there survival, Lieutenant Commander Gojir took the initiative to check on the technician that had ran off. She knew how scary a situation like this could be and remembered a time as a midshipman when she had done much the same. She wasn't going to let him be left behind like that.
Rounding a corner, the Cardassian was surprised to see the Risian standing next to a computer panel talking with a small holographic Andorian. Andorians were no longer part of the Federation and were one of the founders of the Emerald Chain!
"What are you doing?"
Before she could react, Sork turned and fired a phaser beam that barely missed her.
The Mission Specialist had heard the distinct sound of the phaser pulse in the distance, "What the Hell?"
“It sounded like phaser fire.” Patton replied. He looked to Bishop. He could not be in two places at the same time. “Someone needs to check this out.”
Jasmine pulled out her phaser, the former security training she had received, was starting to kick in. She immediately started to look in the direction where the phaser sound had originated. "Should we take cover, or investigate?" Jasmine asked as she looked to Captain Bishop.
Startled too by the sound of phaser fire Hawkins glanced to Bishop for guidance.
"Patton go, find out what is going on and take care if it. Don't dally as the storm will be on soon." Bishop replied then turned to Jasmine, "Jasmine, stay here. Patton can handle it. We need to move to the control room before the storm hits."
Patton hurried off in the direction he had heard the phaser fire. He slowed to a stop when he saw Gojir and Sork, who had a weapon pointed at his fellow crewman. "What's the situation!" He called out aiming his weapon at Sork.
"Drop your weapons and your TriComs now!" Dethiv demanded as he held his Phaser in the direction of the two.
Gojir whispered, "I came around the corner and he was talking to an Andorian on a holocomm."
He fired a phaser pulse that flew between the two, smashing into the bulkhead. Sparks and transparisteel exploded outward from the damaged interface. "The next time I won't miss. Now drop your weapons. NOW!"
Patton didn’t respond with words he fired back. He and Gojir weren’t about to surrender. They had the lives of their team to think about. “It is you who should surrender!” He called out.
Herding the technicians and Starfleet crew towards the central control room for additional security further phaser fire could be heard from the adjacent corridor. Hawkins glanced over his shoulder at the sound ensuring trouble hadn't followed them when he caught the silhouette of Haynes dashing away to support Patton.
"Jasmine, stop!" he called out but she hadn't heard him and slipped away from view.
"Damit," he hissed under his breath.
Jasmine laid down cover fire to support Patton. A ballsy move she thought, but it probably saved them from a potential hostage situation. She waited to see if Patton fell back to their position, which was more secured than his current one.
That was the move that Dethiv had needed, and one that the Emerald Chain would pay him handsomely for. The Orion infiltrator switched his weapons from the Disruptor that he had been using to something a little more direct. Firing the energy pulse, it lifted the three Starfleet Officers from the deck and slammed them back to the ground with incredible fury. Activating the Tricorder function, he checked to confirm that they still had lifesigns - each did - and smiled knowing what he had accomplished.
"Cerulean," he called out, "Myself and three prisoners for immediate transport." The infiltrator attached transport enhancers to the two, before Gojir awoke and grabbed him by the leg. The Orion kicked the Cardassian woman in the ribs, but she would not relent.
"I won't be one of your slaves," she challenged him.
The Orion smiled, "Don't worry, darling. I would've liked to have taken three of you, but two's a nice compromise."
"No, wait!" Before she could stop them, the Orion beamed out with the two unconscious officers.