Chapter 4.1
Posted on Tue Jul 12th, 2022 @ 2:18am by Willian Targaryen & Lieutenant Commander Ialo Gojir & Lieutenant Juma Zoss & Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Aiden Crowe & Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Elizabeth Palmer & Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Lucia Alves
1,223 words; about a 6 minute read
Waiting for the End
Location: Briefing Room, USS Enterprise
Timeline: 3189-03-15, 23:00
Captain Willian Targaryen was exhausted. After the disastrous events of the day the Enterprise was preparing to get back into open space to try to find the saboteurs that had stolen the prefix codes of Battle Group Omega. The Daystrom was nearing completion of its upgrades to the ship, but the mission still wasn't something that he was overly excited about. After struggling for six months to find the Federation and Starfleet they were finally here, only to be ripped again already. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but it wasn't like they had much of a choice. They were victims of the galaxy they'd been pulled into.
"Bridge to Captain Targaryen."
The sound of Galatea's voice had been grating to the Enterprise's Captain. He sighed as he pecked the control on the table, "Go ahead."
The android was all business, "The transfers from the Stargazer have arrived aboard and are waiting for your inspection."
"Send them in," the Captain authorized as he picked up a classic PADD.
Galatea was nothing if not punctual. From the corridor the group of personnel transferred over from the Saratoga quickly filed into the room. While they had received almost 200 total personnel mixed from the Saratoga and the Daystrom, the five before him had been selected to take on a more senior role aboard the ship. They each took position along the windows, looking into the room at their Captain.
"At ease," he approved as he stood. "I am Captain Willian Targaryen, or William Teagarden as my Humanized non-El-Aurian name states, Commanding Officer of the Starship Enterprise Gamma." He walked around the table holding the datapad, "I know that this is probably the last place that any of you want to be. This ship is old by your standards, a relic of an era long past, but this ship is something special. In our time the Enterprise was the appointment every cadet and officer dreamed of. I doubt that has changed in your time. While I have been informed that there is an Enterprise of this time, for the duration of this mission we will retain our traditional name and role as a generational ship. If any of you have a problem, transport back to the Stargazer now."
"Lieutenant Commander Ialo Gojir," Willian read as he passed by the Cardassian woman that was first in line, "Grew up in the Onias System at the remains of the Cardassian shipyards there, expert marks in Starship Construction, Propulsion, and Defensive technologies."
"That's right," the Cardassian confirmed proudly.
Willian dropped the PADD to his side, "Impressive, Commander. I'll admit a little surprise to see you here since you oversaw the refit to the Enterprise from the Daystrom. Heading up a Corps of Engineers team, that means you're the XO of the Daystrom?"
She nodded, "Yes, Captain, I am."
"Then why are you here?" Willian crossed his arms as he asked, sizing up the newcomer. "You're the Assistant Chief Engineer on this ship and I'm pretty happy with my Chief."
"I always request my transfers based on where I think my skills are most needed and this ship's a relic of a time long past," she answered succinctly. "Your Chief will need someone with my skillset just to keep the ship from flying to pieces when it hits high warp."
William smirked, "You clearly haven't seen this ship at warp."
"Give me a chance and I'll ensure it reaches it," she answered smugly.
"Ash it just going to love you," the Captain mumbled as he moved down the line to the next. Beside the Cardassian woman was a younger man who looked like he was barely out of the Academy, but Starfleet didn't have one anymore. Willian checked his PADD, "Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Aiden Crowe, my new Helmsman?"
The young man nodded with a boyish smile and an authentic Australian accent, "Yes Sir."
"How old are you?" Willian didn't pull the punch.
"I just turned 22," he answered nervously.
Willian shook his head, "22, a Lieutenant, and Chief Engineer of the Federation Flagship?"
"I'm from Titan, Sir," the youngster answered with a bit of price in his voice that replaced the nervousness. "Since Titan and Earth left the Federation whenever one of us wants to join Starfleet we're usually scooped up pretty quick. It reminds everyone of where we came from."
"I feel better already," the Captain answered sarcastically as he continued, "Lieutenant Juma Zoss - a Bandi? I haven't seen very many of your species in the fleet."
She nodded, "Very true, Captain, we don't commonly join Starfleet. With all the challenges that the galaxy is facing though I thought that my talents would be better spent where I could help people rather than hunt star jellies."
"It says that you're our Mission Operations Specialist," he pecked through the readout, "adept with computer technologies including positronics."
"It's an older technology, and a bit boring, but I can muddle through," she answered with a broad smile.
The Captain nodded, "Well I hope we can keep you entertained." He continued down to the officer in medical white, "So, Counselor Elizabeth Palmer. Were you fast-tracked like Mister Crowe?"
"Starfleet has been good to me," she answered, "but no more than it is to any other member of the Fleet, Sir."
"It says here that your specialty is post trauma counseling," Willian pointed out. "Do you have a PhD in it?"
"Working on it. Then again, since I've seen your file, I know that you don't have a lot of respect for Counselors - especially on your ship." She shifted, "Don't worry, Captain, I won't get into your head too often, just enough to smack you upside the head with cold water when you screw up."
Willian nodded, "You're going to be quite busy." He continued to the last person in the row, "And our last contestant is Lieutenant Lucia Alves. What brings you to my ship?" He glanced at the datapad as he asked.
Lucia smiled as the Captain asked the question as she tried not to fidget with her hands. Most scenarios outside of medicine and she got a little anxious. Not to mention that the Captain had one of the most piercing stares she'd ever seen. "I wanted to work with Doctor Marner. I had heard of some of his work on the Retribution and saw an opening for a nurse on board. I jumped at it... it puts me in a good place to help others on a larger scale."
"Fascinating," the Captain answered, "Doctor Marner isn't remembered for his actions on this ship but rather the vessel he served on prior some 750 years ago. I may have to keep that in mind." He glanced at the PADD, "Hopefully that isn't a memorandum on my CMO's skill?"
History mattered. It always matters as it often showed the pattern of individuals behaviour and she liked what she had heard about Dr Marner. "I'm sure we'd happily welcome you into Sickbay anytime you want Captain." Lucia diplomatically replied.
"No doubt," the former Admiral concluded. Politely, he added, "Welcome aboard."
The Commanding Officer of the Enterprise stepped away toward the front of the room, surveying the new recruits for a final time. "This is sure to be a mission for the history books. We depart in one hour, please be ready by then. Dismissed."