Chapter 3.4
Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2022 @ 4:27am by Commander Galatea & Lieutenant Rrawran & Lieutenant Jardok & Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Tlotz & Warrant Officer Harris Zim
1,662 words; about a 8 minute read
Waiting for the End
Location: Bridge, Starfleet One
Timeline: 3189-03-15, 17:45
Lieutenant Rrawran sat in the center seat on the Bridge of Starfleet One watching the new arrival on the forward screen. The Federation Starship Richard Daystrom, named in honor of a genius computer designer from Earth's 23rd Century, had arrived alongside them and the Stargazer. The ship itself was one of the oddest that the Rorworr Starfleet Officer had ever seen. While a small vessel by standards of the Enterprise, the Daystrom was one of the most distinctive vessels he'd ever seen.

"Impressive ships the Saturn Class," Galatea commented as if reading his thoughts. "Not too unlike the California Class ships, they are highly configurable for a diverse mission profile. When it was designed at San Francisco Yards, before the Burn, engineers named the prototype after the rings of Saturn."
"I've never been a fan of negative space on a Starship," Science Officer Jardok announced from the Science Station.
Galatea looked at the Vulcan, "They are certainly an acquired taste to be sure. The open space is more than just a design choice though, these ships can isolate and study dangerous phenomena at close proximity by using the open space and they have amazing control over both their impulse and warp propulsion. If the Burn had not happened I can only imagine where they would have led."
Zim manned his station happy that he did not have to partake in the politics that happened on the lower decks. The Cappellan was meant for battle and for strategy not for politicking. "Looks a tad small for my tastes. But would present a hard target due to the negative space." The often silent Chief of the Boat chimed in.
"You could say that," the android offered. "When they built her the priority was exploration over combat though. The Federation - pre-Burn - had been at peace with its neighbors. Aside from the Temporal Cold War at least, but that spanned almost the entirety of the Federation's existence."
The mechanized voice of the Universal Translator spoke for Lieutenant Rrawran, "Temporal Cold War?"
"It's a long story," Galatea answered before returning to Zim, "I can always arrange a tour of the Daystrom for you if you like, Chief."
"That would be interesting. Ship design through the ages is something of a hobby to me. It also helps in readiness to know the weaknesses etc of a vessel. I would appreciate it if my duties allowed of course." Zim replied. He still did not fully trust Galatea or anyone from this time as of yet. But, the offer seemed genuine and it would be something that would help Zim with the idea of being in this time.
"I'm certain that we can arrange something, Chief," the Coppelius android answered from her workstation. "Starfleet has a lot of amazing resources and technologies we could only have dreamed of before. Programmable matter, the TriCOMM you're already familiar with, you haven't even heard about the Interstitial Multivector Trans-Computronics that replaced positronics and isolinear technologies in the computers.
Kelpien Engineer Tlotz turned away from the Engineering workstation and looked toward Galatea, "Commander, can you tell us more about this technology? It sounds incredibly intriguing and beneficial."
Galatea typed on the panel, "Trust me I wish I had them right now. I never remembered this ship's computers being so slow. Anyway, I'm certain we can arrange for you to be provided with a technological brief so that you can learn more about them, Lieutenant. Who knows, if they approve the refit to Enterprise they may actually upgrade the ship with the technology and you'd be able to use it for yourself."
"Is the Federation capable of refitting a vessel post-Burn?" Jardok inquired from the Science Station.
"Not easily," the former AI answered, "but we also cannot just ignore capable craft either when we come across them. Technology has come a long way, as I said, and we can do many upgrades even without a spacedock. They'll have this ship right as rain in no time."
Rrawran sighed, "Some would say it was fine the way it was."
"Indeed," Galatea countered. "Nonetheless, I have spent a lot of my life aboard this ship. I have spent more than some of you have even. This vessel is amazing, but the resources we will put into her will be beyond all of your wildest imaginations."
"I can imagine quite a bit," the alien Duty Officer mumbled.
Much of their remaining time on the Bridge had been rather uneventful and quiet. There was light banter, the routine rhythm and background noises one would expect on the Bridge of a Federation starship, that was until a series of alarms arose from the Science Station.
Galatea demanded, "Report!"
"Sensors are detecting significant power fluctuations on the Stargazer and the Daystrom," Jardok replied as the Vulcan's fingers studied the wall mounted keyboard. Adjusting the sensor findings, "This is very atypical. I am having difficulty explaining... ah, sensors have detected a shuttlecraft departing Stargazer," the viewscreen immediately switched to an image of a small, ovoid Federation shuttle quickly launching not from the shuttlebay but rather from a point on the hull.
Galatea studied the image, "There is not a shuttlebay at that location."
"Thank you, Galatea, and I can issue orders on my own bridge," the Universal Translator could not mimic the annoyance in his tone, but it was hard not to hear it even through the mechanization. "Tractor beam."
"Enterprise, are you receiving?"
"Yes Captain," Rrawran answered from the Captain's Chair. He knew that if his CO saw him sitting there they'd probably have been Hell to pay a few years ago. He'd mellowed a lot in the last few years - probably Admiral Luzol's influence. "Are you all alright over there?"
The Operations Officer, Ensign zh'Tanik, looked up from the panel, "Tractor Beam unable to lock on, Lieutenant."
"Great," Rrawran mumbled as he heard his Captain on the other end. The fuzzy alien turned toward the Tactical Station and muted the channel, "Chief, can you get a weapon's lock on the craft? We need to disable its engines and get it back here."
All Zim could think about was that this seemed to be another fine mess that they have stumbled into. Despite his feelings on the situation his Cappellan upbringing would not let him lose. His hands moved over the console with lightening speed. "We have a lock on its engines now. Weapons are ready on your command."
"We're fine, Lieutenant, but we'd like to know what's going on with the Stargazer if you could enlighten us," the Captain explained.
Rrawran stared at the viewscreen as the small shuttle took the impact of a phaser beam. If he could have smiled he would have, but the next two beams missed, "We don't know much ourselves. Both Stargazer and Daystrom are experiencing extreme energy fluctuations. Now a shuttle has departed from the Stargazer. We're trying to get a lock, but it's pretty slippery."
"That is strange," the Captain commented. "Any indications that the Stargazer is in more distress than power fluctuations? Could the shuttle..."
There was an angry alarm on the other end, emanating from the Science and Tactical workstations simultaneously. The Rorworr didn't need to ask questions as he had seen it with his own eyes. Dejectedly, he had to inform his Captain of what he witnessed. "Sir, the shuttle just went to warp and cloaked."
The sigh was almost imperceivable, but evident. "Prepare to bring the Senior Staff back over. I will remain here to speak with Admiral Tua."
"Acknowledged," the Lieutenant answered defeatedly. He pecked the communicator icon on the console, "Chief T'Sidak, prepare to bring the away team back over."
"Aye Sir," the Transporter Chief answered matter-of-factly.
Resting his hands in his lap, the alien flatly said, "What the Hell was that all about."
Zim stood silently at the tactical station as he stewed in anger at the loss he had just taken. He could not believe that he missed those shots and allowed the shuttle to get away. "I have no idea sir... But one can never know or be too careful with this new Starfleet." By his statement it was not hard to tell that Harris Zim did not like where the ship was and did not trust this new Starfleet.
Galatea looked at the Capellan enlistee, carefully sizing him up, "I regret that you feel that way."
Before anyone else could answer the Admiral's voice interrupted them, "Enterprise, cancel transport. We'll be staying."
"Understood," Rrawran answered with the mechanical monotone of the translator as he looked cautiously at Galatea. "Are you certain?"
Willian gave a simple answer, "Indeed." The channel then closed, leaving him still in command of Enterprise.
Galatea looked to Rrawran, "With all that is happening I must return to the Stargazer. Admiral Tua will require my presence there as a representative of Federation Security to discuss whatever happened and help formulate a plan."
"No one's stopping you," the Rorworr answered coldly, looking at the forward viewscreen.
What came next no one would have anticipated, "I would request that Mister Zim go with me as well. As the ship's Master at Arms he is an expert in tactics. I am certain that the Admiral would approve."
Rrawran turned toward the Chief, "Up to you."
Zim may have been a grunt for the frontlines but he understood subtext when he saw it. The Lieutenant's comment of up to you really meant make the right decision. Zim knew that if he said no he would be ordered to go. Above that Galatea was an officer that outranked the Lieutenant. Zim exhaled sharply through his nose and spoke through gritted teeth. "As you wish ma'am..."
"Glad to hear it," before another comment could be uttered the android tapped her TriCOMM, beaming herself and the Chief away.
Rrawran mumbled, "Well good luck."