I dont want to be alone
Posted on Tue Nov 29th, 2022 @ 9:05pm by Lieutenant Zoey Parker & Lieutenant Commander Patton O'Sullivan
Edited on on Tue Nov 29th, 2022 @ 9:06pm
1,567 words; about a 8 minute read
No One Gets Left Behind
Location: Quarters of Zoey Parker
Timeline: 3189-03-14, 17:00
Zoey had asked Patton to spend the night. She did not want to spend the night alone. Her room creaked. Due to the battle damage. And Patton's room was not much better. She eagerly awaited for him to arrive. She paced near the door waiting for the door bell to go off.
Patton hurried down the hallway to Zoey’s quarters. He was so short staffed he had to make certain security was covered so he could finally have a night off. He pressed rhe buzzer and smiled when the door opened.
Zoey opened the door, and planted a big kiss on him. After a few minutes of passion, she finally pulled herself away to ask. "What took you so long?" Zoey wondered.
“I was making sure I had people to cover.” Patton explained. “It’s been hard work so many missing.” He smiled then. “I really need this.”
"You seem on edge, come inside. I would offer you a drink, but we are on replicated rations only, so can I get you some water?" She asked.
“That would be good.” Patton said with a smile, already feeling better. “I really need an evening like this.”
"I think we all need an evening like this." Zoey suggested to him, as she leaned in to give him a deep hug. There was a lot of tension, coming off of him. She could tell, he needed to unwind a bit.
“Just getting a break from thinking about what we’re going through will help.” Patton murmured. “I think this is the first moment since this all began I haven’t had to worry about something.”
"That's a start, am I right?" Zoey said, trying to get him to focus on this moment. She wanted to change his overall mood.
“It is a very good one.” Patton said with a smile. “I want to forget about everything around us and focus on you and me.”
"In the end, that is all we can really focus on. The rest is out of our hands." Zoey said, in agreement with Patton.
“You are so wise.” Patton said seriously. “We have an entire evening to just relax and be ourselves. Let’s shut the problems on board out and just enjoy each others company.”
"I could be into that idea." Zoey said, as she wrapped her arms around him. Then she leaned in for a small kiss.
Patton kissed her, holding her close. “This is what we both need, just to be together. “
"I would be lying, if I said I was not scared." Zoey suggested to him. She hated being lost, and trapped in the future. She wanted to get back to her reality, and to her family.
“I am too.” Patton hated to admit it. “Though you won’t hear me say it. I think most of the crew is we just aren’t conditioned to admit it.”
"We have one thing, they do not have." Zoey said, with a slight smile on her face. "Each other." She said, as reached for his hand.
“I am so glad we do.” Patton took her hand his eyes meeting hers. “It makes getting through each day a little easier knowing we have each other.”
"Do you think we will get home?" Zoey asked, with a concerned look on her face.
“Honestly.” Patton replied. “I won’t give up hope. I want to believe we came and will.” He paused for a moment. “But I am trying to live in the moment in order to not get caught up in the worry, but it’s hard.”
"Seems like I am agreeing with Jasmine Hayes, we are conforming to this century when we do not belong here." Zoey said, hoping that Patton would not get upset that he mentioned her name.
“You are correct.” Patton wasn’t going to argue the point. “But what other choice do we have at the moment? There is no way home in sight.”
"Agreed, but we can not loose focus on the overall goal." Zoey pointed out to him. She was not ready to abandon all hope of leaving their home behind.
“Number one priority is home.” Patton said seriously. “Until we figure that out we do what we can.”
"Agreed." Zoey said, as she smiled at him. They would do what they had too, in order to survive this place and go home.
“I know this is stressful.” Patton said, wanting to be supportive. “Even scary at times. We will find a way home but I’m the meantime I want to be here for you.”
"I'll do my job, but I am not giving up on trying to find a away home." Zoey suggested to him.
“I am glad to hear you say that.” Patton said seriously. “I’d be concerned if any of us did.”
"There are a lot of the crew, that have already accepted out fate as our new reality." Zoey pointed out to him.
“They have.” Patton nodded. “Perhaps that is the only way they can handle what has happened.”
"But is it the right thing to do?" Zoey asked, thinking to herself it was not.
“Not for us.” Patton replied. “I can’t really say what is right for them. By Federation standards I believe we should always look to get home.”
"Nicely said, to bad its not happening." Zoey said in agreement with Patton.
“I don’t know what to do to fix it.” Patton replied. “As time passes they will get more comfortable.”
"I was thinking for moral standards and personal standards, are a good start to fixing things. To be honest, I not sure if the Federation cares. As long as we serve Starfleet and their best interests." Zoey pointed out to him, sounding a little sanicle.
“They may not but we do.” Patton murmured. “It won’t hurt for us to remind them once in a while.”
"How do we get the others on our side?" Zoey asked, hoping he had a suggestion.
“We have to find a way that doesn’t make them feel like we are judging them.” Patton murmured. “I am not entirely certain what angle to take. Maybe we should start questioning what we are doing to find a way home.”
"I like the idea, but it wont be easy. Most of them are caught up in the moment, and not looking at the big picture." Zoey pointed out to him.
“Agreed.” Patton said with a nod. “But the important things never are easy.”
"Its not me you need to convince." Zoey suggested to Patton. she was already convinced.
“You are right.” Patton nodded. “So we better get on it.”
"I don't think you know what you are getting yourself into, but you will." Zoey suggested to him.
“It won’t be easy I am sure”. Patton said seriously. “But I have to try.”
"That's the thing we dont have to try, I just want to try. And my reasons are selfish, if we are being honest. I want to go home." Zoey pointed out to him.
“We do have to.” Patton said seriously. “Any other way and we couldn’t live with it.”
"I just hope of them can see past the moment." Zoey suggested, feeling that this was going to be a lost cause.
“Some of them should.” Patton replied. “It makes sense when you think about it.”
"Making sense, and doing what feels right are not always alligned." She knew she was preaching to the choir at this point.
“And what is easy.” Patton added. “What we want to do isn’t easy at all.”
"If we wanted easy, we would have become politicians." Zoey suggested with a big teasing grin. Taking a little stab at Jasmine.
“Isn’t that the truth.” Patton grinned in return. They didn’t know real work.
Zoey grinned knowing her statement was in gest. She really had no idea, what a politician did. She only knew, she did not want to become one.
“They talk to much.” Patton laughed. “I guess that is how politics work though. A lot is solved over a conversation.”
"Simply analogy yes, true to all of us. But they do more than talk. They scheme and ploy too." Zoey pointed out to him.
“Their job is to make certain they come out the victor.” Patton agreed. “It helps them keep their jobs.”
"Perhaps, but you have to admit there is a lot of scheming going on." Zoey pointed out to him. The reason she knew this was, the president used the Enterprise on a regular basis, and she witnessed on several occassions.
“I agree with you there.” Patton replied. “And it isn’t about to change either.”
"Any ideas on where we can go to help encourage the crew to change their mind?" Zoey asked.
“We should look into ways to get back home first.” Patton said quickly. “We won’t convince them without a plan.”
"It will be a lot easier, if we had the crew. But we should anticipate that we are alone on this quest. Unless you want to ask Commander Haynes to assist us?" Zoey asked.
Patton thought for a moment. “I am willing to speak with her. Enough time had passed she should be able to move beyond this.”
"See that you do, then." Zoey said, as the scene starts to fade away.