Species Database

Created by Emiul Thikaik on Mon Mar 3rd, 2025 @ 1:36am

Common Starfleet Member Races


Bajoran A humanoid species hailing from Bajor, which is located on the edge of Federation and Cardassian space, Bajorans are deeply spiritual people that are members of the United Federation of Planets. Significantly technologically advanced, Bajorans have had space-flight technology for at least 850 years, but their progress was diminished due to military conflict with the Cardassian Union.

Religion is a cornerstone of Bajoran society and their beliefs center around the Prophets, who reside within the Celestial Temple (the Bajoran Wormhole), and their adversaries the Pah-wraith. Bajoran spiritualism and creativity inspires them, and their faith is represented an earring worn on the right ear, which also carries the wearer's family crest. Bajoran names are traditionally given with their family name (surname) preceding their given name and Bajorans do not use a middle name.

Nearly identical to Humans, aside from distinguishable horizontal creases across the bridge of their nose and some internal differences, the Bajorans are biologically compatible with most humanoid races within the known worlds.


Betazoid Betazed is a Federation world located in the Alpha Quadrant and is home to a telepathic humanoid race known as Betazoids.

Betazoids are almost physically identical to Humans except for the coloration of the iris of their eyes, which are normally completely black. Betazoid society tends to revolve around openness and honesty, so much so that Betazoid wedding ceremonies require all participants who attend to be completely nude.

Betazoids have naturally strong telepathic abilities and are capable of sensing the emotion and thoughts of others with the exception of some races, such as Ferengi and Changelings, including over short distances. This telepathy results from the Betazoid brain being structurally different from those of other humanoids, including an additional lobe that is responsible for their telepathic capabilities. As with all species, variation exists in the telepathic abilities within Betazoids, with some members being above and below the abilities of others. The strongest Betazoids are even able to directly manipulate other peoples' minds, while some of the weakest can barely read the emotions of others even within their own species.


Bolian Members of the United Federation of Planets, Bolians are an outgoing humanoid species native to Bolarus IX.

Distinctive in appearance, Bolians are known for their blue skin (which can be of various shades) and a prominent vertical ridge that rungs down the center of their face to their chests. Typically, Bolians lack hair; however, while rare, some Bolians have grown hair in the past and others have begun to wear wigs. The biochemistry of Bolians makes them resistant to most toxins and their blue blood is somewhat corrosive.

Bolians often excel in service based professions including working as bartenders, waiters and hairdressers due to their good nature and friendly approach as Bolians tend to be very friendly, jovial, and are often outspoken (sometimes unnecessarily). Despite this, Bolians can serve in each branch of Starfleet service because of their desire for teamwork and structure. Because of their outgoing nature, Bolian relationships are often open and sometimes consist of more than two people, with additional spouses referred to as a co-husband or co-wife.


Caitian Featuring distinct, cat-like features, Caitians are a felinoid race from the planet Cait in the Alpha Quadrant. Federation members since the 22nd Century, Caitians are well known in the United Federation of Planets and often serve in Starfleet.

Caitians have a strong pack based focus that can lead to large family groups, which often number in the hundreds, and are known throughout the galaxy for their intelligence, curiosity, loyalty and love of beauty. Distant relatives of the Kzinti, Caitians are now peaceful but were once natural enemies of the Betazoids, who Caitians saw as a prey species and actively hunted before developing synthetic alternatives. Despite this, Caitians still prefer uncooked meat.

Bipedal with height slightly less than most humanoids, Caitians have tails that assist their balance and are remarkable jumpers, able to leap roughly twice as high as an average human. Their skin is covered with soft fur coat of varying colors. Caitians evolved to feature large eyes - providing them with excellent night vision - and enhanced hearing that can pick up frequencies that most humanoids are unable to detect due to their origins as pack hunters.


Human One of the four founding species of the United Federation of Planets, Human are a race originating from the planet Earth in the Sol System. Following the Burn Earth left the Federation; however, many Human Starfleet Officers and their families chose to remain in Starfleet service.

Human society has evolved dramatically since first contact was made with the Vulcans in 2063. In a short period poverty, disease, and war were completely abolished and the basic biological needs of every citizen were met without compensation. The average Human lifespan is around 120 years and Humans work to better themselves and their society. While they all possess the basic humanoid shape, Humans differ greatly in appearance with differences in hair color, skin pigmentation, eye color and other physical features. Many of the variations between individual humans are attributed to their heritage as early Humans were relatively stationary, with each grouping adapting to local environmental conditions.

While Earth was relatively new to galactic politics, Humans were a driving force behind the birth of the Federation and Humans have been seen as inspirational leaders who work exceptionally well with others ever since those early days. Because of this there are a large number of Starfleet officers who are Human and many of the most famous historic Starfleet officers were or are Human. Further English, a Human language, has been adopted as the standard language used by the Federation.


Rigelian Rigelians, also known as Jelna, are a humanoid race inhabiting planet Rigel V in the Beta Quadrant that have been a warp capable since at least the mid 22nd Century. Participants in the Coalition of Planets talks, which led to the formation of the United Federation of Planets, Rigelians have been part of the United Federation of Planets since the late 22nd Century.

Similar genetically to the Romulans and Vulcans, Rigelians consider themselves as being on a spiritual journey towards enlightenment. In many ways Rigelians mimic the physiologies of their Romulan and Vulcan cousins and are each highly susceptible to diseases that impact one another.

Unlike most species, Rigelians maintain two male and two female genders, known as endo and exosexes. Endosexes are similar to traditional male and female humanoid genders while the exosex genders are more aggressive and resilient, outnumbering their endosex counterparts 2 to 1. The exosex genders have these abilities as they possess a Z chromosome that enhances their abilities, relegating endosex genders to more secondary roles.


Tellarite Tellarites are short humanoids from the planet Tellar. They were one of the founding races of the United Federation of Planets, along with Humans, Andorians, and Vulcans.

Featuring stubby noses and a very argumentative personality, arguing is practically a sport on the Tellarite homeworld and an argument is initiated by either a series of complaints or through an insult. Tellarites possess a stubborn pride, have strong emotional responses, and a strength for engineering. They can be quick tempered, which many can find abrasive.

Members of the Tellarite species are stout and porcine with a distinguished snout. Their skin is pinkish-brown and coarse, and normally heavily covered with hair, so males tend to be bearded. Sometimes they have hoof-like hands and feet and Tellarites often have a higher average body temperature relative to Humans. Tellarites possess a greater perception of distance, dimension, and depth and consider canine to be a delicacy.

Uncommon Starfleet Member Races


Andorian Natives of the frozen moon of Andoria, Andorians are a humanoid race that were one of the founding members of the United Federation of Planets. Despite this the Andorians left the Federation following the Burn and were a founding government of the Emerald Chain.

Due to their militaristic nature, Andorians have a strong sense of honor and value honesty from others. Historically, Andorians fought ritualistic duels to the death known as the Ushaan and they still practice non-lethal duels following the formation of the Federations. They are also known to be very emotional and passionate, featuring an artistic touch and has produced many highly valued works throughout their history. Despite their militaristic nature, the Andorian art academy is known to be one of the best in the Federation.

The body structure of an Andorian is typical for most humanoid species; however, they have several distinguishing characteristics, such as their light blue skin. They have sensitive antennae on the tops of their heads that provide them with an acute perception of their surroundings. Andorian hair is commonly white or silver, which some female Andorians tend to have styled into very elaborate patterns.


Aenar A sub-species of the Andorians, Aenar are a humanoid race native to a secluded enclave in the Northern Wastes of the frozen moon of Andoria. While the Andorians have a defined, honor based militaristic culture, the Aenar are pacifists. Encouraged by the Federation's open society, the Aenar are members of the United Federation of Planets and some of them have chosen to join Starfleet.

Sharing many of the same characteristic features as their Andorian cousins, the Aenar are distinguished from the Andorians by their pale white skin and congenital blindness. Despite this, Aenar have developed an increased sensitivity, thanks to their antennae, that allow them to perceive their surroundings in a limited form of vision. Unlike other Andorians, however, the Aenar have developed finely-tuned telepathic abilities due to their upbringing in the Northern Wastes of Andoria that enables them to communicate and project images to others. Further, the Aenar's antennae and their foreheads are smoother in comparison to the Andorians.


Benzite Native to their home world of Benzar, the Benzites were closed off with the United Federation of Planets until the mid 24th century when a Benzite male joined Starfleet Academy. Since then they have increased their involvement with galactic affairs before, ultimately, joining the Federation.

While efficient, Benzites tend to be overconfident and eager to please. Humanoid, Banzites are very distinguishable in appearance and have two thumbs, no hair, blue skin, and tendrils around their mouth and nose area with those from the same geostructure naturally looking identical to one another. Benzite bodies are protected by a smooth, chitinous covering that helps protect them from physical damage and their blood is mercury and platinum based with a slightly lower body temperature than most humanoids. Benzites have a unique internal chemistry which prevents them from functioning in a standard Federation environment, requiring them to wear a piece of equipment to help them breathe in a nitrogen/oxygen environment; however, through exposure therapy, some Benzites have learned to adapt.


Cardassian The dominant species of the Cardassian Union, the Cardassians come from Cardassia and have struggled to reform their society following the Dominion War. In ancient history, the Cardassians were renowned for their art and beauty, which descended into imperialism due to a lack of resources. Since the late 24th Century the Cardassians have chose to rebuild as a de-militarized, democratic power, with strong support from the Federation.

Cardassians favor heat and aridity, conditions also found on Cardassia, and are gray skinned humanoids. The Cardassians are easily identified by their unusually wide necks and a spoon-shaped bone that dominates their foreheads. Families and society are extremely hierarchical, with the values of family and loyalty to the government being deeply ingrained as being above all other things to a Cardassian. From a young age Cardassian children are prepared for service to the government, with students being taught military tactics and memorization strategies from an early age. While service is still highly valued, some Cardassians are returning to the ways of the past.


Deltan Deltans are a Federation member species that originate on the planet Delta IV. While they have maintained Federation membership since the early 23rd Century, Deltans rarely leave their homeworld.

Deltans look exactly like Humans, aside from their hairless scalp, and are regarded as one of the most attractive species in the galaxy by other species. Theorized to be a sister species to the Betazoids, Deltans are naturally empathic and telepathic, allowing them to communicate via thoughts and feelings. The natural pheromones produced by the Deltans are among the most potent encountered by the Federation and directly stimulate the pleasure centers of the humanoid brain, serving as a natural aphrodisiac that makes others immediately fall in love with them. Deltans that do leave Delta IV take an Oath of Celibacy, supplemented by an injection designed to suppress their pheromone production, to ensure the safety of non-Deltans as sex acts with a Deltan are a complete union in which both the body and the mind are fully shared between both participants. Because of this intensity a non-Deltan mating with a Deltan often invites madness and potentially leads to death.


Denobulan Native to the planet Denobula in the Denobula Triaxa System, the Denobulans were one of the first members of the United Federation of Planets and have been active in the galaxy since at least the 21st Century.

The Denobulans are a bipedal humanoid species similar to Cardassians. Denobulan faces have two sets of ridges running down each side of their forehead and around the eye socket and distinctive expressive abilities. Their brow is also more prominent and they have a faint crease running from the center of their brow up the middle of their forehead into their hairline.

Denobulans incorporate open relationships and their families are often very large as males and females typically have more than one partner due to their non-exclusive marriages and long lifespan. Intellectually curious, their long lives allow Denobulans to become experts in their fields of expertise, but also lead to many Denobulans mastering many different topics. The average Denobulan requires next to no sleep routinely, but does hibernate for up to 6 days each year.


El-Aurian El-Aurians are a nomadic species found throughout the galaxy. While welcome on Federation worlds, El-Aurians are not formal members and remain an independent nation.

Technologically advanced and capable, El-Aurians are physically indistinguishable to Humans and have visited Earth as early as the planet's 19th Century. Featuring extraordinary lifespans, some claim that El-Aurians only age when they choose to. Their longevity allows an El-Aurian to have many children; however, the species is almost extinct due to their homeworld having been assimilated by the Borg Collective.

The El-Aurians believed that all were united by food and drink and were extraordinarily sensitive to the space-time continuum itself, having an awareness that superseded the normal flow of time and space. This awareness meant that El-Aurians could be physically affected by changes in the timeline in a condition known as the Af-Kelt. Naturally empathic, El-Aurians possess a limited form of telepathy letting them project into another's mind. A race of "listeners", El-Aurians better perceive (and manipulate) their surroundings.


Ferengi Shrewd, perceptive businessmen with a naturally resilient physiology, Ferengi are natives of the planet Ferenginar and the Ferengi Alliance.

Normally smaller than Humans, Ferengi are humanoids with orange-brown colored skin, blue fingernails, enlarged skulls, and sharp teeth. The most distinctive feature of a ferengi are their large ears, which give them exceptionally acute hearing, and their four-lobed brain that makes them resistant to most forms of telepathy. The average Ferengi can live well over a century before a major health incident.

Ferengi culture is built upon the ideals of free enterprise and profit, and there are 285 Rules of Acquisition that govern Ferengi society and business practices. Ferengi are naturally gifted with mathematics, and excel in many scientific fields due to their ability to see natural patterns within data. While business remains a key part of their everyday lives, social reforms have led many Ferengi to explore the world outside of commerce and many have joined Starfleet following the example of Grand Nagus Rom's son Nog.


Kelpien Native to the planet Kaminar and members of the United Federation of Planets, Kelpiens share their world with the Ba'ul, with whom they had a complicated relationship.

A bipedal species capable of living on both land and in the water, Kelpiens had a tall, lanky build, brownish orange skin, and no head hair; although, males could grow facial hair at an advanced age. Kelpiens possessed visual, auditory, and tactile receptors more acute than those of most humanoids, and were physically stronger than most species in the galaxy. A long lived race, Kelpiens were also capable of running at enhanced speeds for short periods.

A pack based society, Kelpiens were hunted, bred, and farmed by a species known as the Ba'ul, who had instilled an ideology known to the Kelpiens as the "Great Balance" to keep the species subservient. At the end of adolescence Kelpiens would undergo a physiological process called the vahar'ai, who interpreted it as a terminal condition signaling that they were ready to be culled by the Ba'ul. In reality, the vahar'ai was temporary and removed a Kelpien's excessive fear responses and the development of new keratin-based spines the Kelpien could forcibly expel.


Klingon Leaders of the Klingon Empire, Klingons are a proud warrior race from the planet Qo'noS. Feared and respected throughout the galaxy, Klingons value tradition, honor, and strength above all else.

Klingon culture is rooted in aggression and military prowess, and their bodies reflect this fact. The internal organs of a Klingon feature multiple redundancies, which can allow them to survive even the most severe battle wounds during combat and continue to fight. Klingons are taller and stronger than most humanoids, making them all the more dangerous. Members of the Klingons species can also be distinguished by their cranial ridges (nonetheless, some Klingons lost their ridges during the Augment Crisis but few of these bloodlines remain), dark skin, and overly muscular build. While the average Klingon lifespan can reach up to 150 years, few Klingons live this long due to the militaristic nature of the Klingon life.

While Klingons thrive in militaristic roles, many have pursued careers within the Federation due to the constant threat of war Klingons are under.


Ktarian Members of the United Federation of Planets, the Ktarians are a physically diverse humanoid race native to the planet Ktaris.

Most Ktarians had a very similar physical structure to other humanoids, though they featured domed foreheads and yellow eyes with horizontal slit pupils. Ktarians with exo-cranial ridges or a particularly pronounced brow ridge were also not uncommon, as well as scales. Ktarians were physiologically capable of procreating with other humanoid species; however, the Ktarian features could cause complications and an incredibly long gestation period of up to 18 months. These hybrid children, like other Ktarian children, were capable of quickly maturing and entered adolescence within five years of their birth.

Throughout the galaxy Ktarians have gained a reputation for being deeply committed to their goals, with a single-minded determination to achieve their objectives. Incredibly tactical, Ktarians won't commit to an action unless they feel that they are in the advantageous position and are likely to succeed.


Lurian Governed by the Lurian Royal Family, Lurians are from the planet Luria near the Ionite Nebula in the Alpha Quadrant.

Independent of the United Federation of Planets, Lurians have gray skin and multiple hearts, lungs, and stomachs. Lurians have incredible control over their bodies and can even limit their metabolism, allowing them to store items within their second stomach, and can even withstand injuries that would kill most humanoids. While young Lurians are known to grow hair, though they can lose their hair through external factors as they age. Their head appears to sit directly on the shoulders and Lurians have smaller ears than Humans. Their face is dominated by a broad, U-shaped mouth, and they often appear emotionally impassive.

A passionate people, Lurians don't do anything half-way and are devoted to their goals. Often dreamers and philosophical, Lurians enjoy a variety of professions and like the thrill that comes from risk.



Romulan An offshoot species of the Vulcans, Romulans led the Romulan Star Empire from Romulus until the Hobus Event of 2387 destroyed their world. Following the destruction of Romulus, the Romulans splintered into multiple governments and groups, and eventually reunified with their Vulcan cousins.

Due to their shared ancestry, Vulcans and Romulans possess a very similar physiology, including pointed ears and arched eyebrows. Romulans also have the immense physical strength of their Vulcan cousins. Most Romulans have two brow ridges above the bridge of their nose that form a V-shape on the forehead; however a minority of Romulans lack these ridges and are outwardly indistinguishable from Vulcans.

Romulan society has been secretive and xenophobic for much of its history. Romulan intellectuals thrive on deceit and subterfuge, and they favor more of a cunning approach to battle rather than sheer brute force, and this is reflected in the Romulan's long history with cloaking technology. Romulans have embraced a more open society following reunification, and were strong proponents of Ni'Var remaining with the Federation following the Burn.


Vulcan Vulcans, natives of the planet Ni'Var, are one of the founding races of the United Federation of Planets, along with Humans, Andorians and Tellarites.

Known for their logical minds and stoicism, Vulcans are very similar to Humans, except for their pointed ears and upwards pointed thick eyebrows. Similar in appearance to Romulans, as both originated from the same species, Vulcans tend to have pale skin, sometimes with a slight green tint; however, Vulcans with dark skin are not unheard of. Capable of living up to 200 years, Vulcans typically have dark black hair and rarely have facial hair, such as beards. Physically Vulcans are very strong, with their natural strength up to three times greater than that of the average humanoid.

Known for their extreme mental discipline, strict adherence to logic, and for their honesty, Vulcans still have spiritual beliefs. It is said that Vulcans do not lie, and some say Vulcans are incapable of lying; however, they will should they deem it to be the logical solution to a given situation. Some Vulcans still undertake arranged marriages, which are typically arranged by the parents when the child is still of a young age, normally under 10 years old.


Orion The Orions are a green skinned humanoid race from planet Rigel VII. Following the Burn the Orion Syndicate partnered with the Andorian Empire to form the Emerald Chain.

Both Orion males and females are tall, have distinguishing green skin of various hues, and features that are considered quite attractive to others. Orion males are often quite muscular due to their physical labors and are usually hairless. Orion females, meanwhile, are near identical to Human females aside than their green skin.

Where Orion females are different is that they possess incredibly potent pheromones they they can consciously control. These pheromones are more than capable of seducing the males of most species, with very few exceptions, while females are much less susceptible to this and often develop headaches when exposed. Orion females are known to be the dominant ones in Orion relationships, society, and the organized crime cabal known as the Orion Syndicate because of these remarkable pheromones. While counter agents do exist to compensate for Orion pheromones, these treatments are not always fully effective.


Saurian Saurians, from the world of Sauria, are a reptilian species that have been members of the United Federation of Planets since the 23rd Century.

Featuring very large lizard-like eyes, Saurians are a very distinctive species in appearance being mostly reptilian and are physically imposing. Saurians are known to be a physically strong and a very intelligent race, with skin tones that typically range near red hues (such as red, purple, pink and brown). Stressing prudence and consideration, Saurians communicate in a series of chirps and similar noises that can be problematic for a Universal Translator to effectively translate.

Well known for their very potent Saurian Brandy, Saurians maintain an excellent metabolism that allows them to recover quickly from the impacts of alcohol and toxins (which is why Saurian Brandy is illegal on most Federation worlds because it is stronger than most can tolerate). Omnivores, Saurians similiarly possess enhanced senses compared to other humanoids.


Trill Humanoid lifeforms native to their home planet Trill, the Trill are member of the United Federation of Planets. Capable of space travel since at least the 22nd Century, the Trill are among the galaxy's best diplomats and scientists.

The Trill are very similar to Humans except for their spots. A distinctive characteristic of their race, Trill spots are mostly seen on the sides of their heads but run the entire lengths of their bodies from their heads down their shoulders and torso all the way to their legs and feet. The Trill are naturally a creative and curious species, focused on intellectual pursuits and work to enhance their skills to, potentially, be bonded with a Trill symbiont. This has the future benefit of making the average Trill competitive as it is believed by the general populace that only 1 in 1,000 Trill may be bonded.

Joined Trill

Humanoid symbiotic lifeforms native to their home planet Trill, the Trill are member of the United Federation of Planets. Capable of space travel since at least the 22nd Century, the Trill are among the galaxy's best diplomats and scientists.

Trill (Joined) The Trill are very similar to Humans except for their spots. A distinctive characteristic of their race, Trill spots are mostly seen on the sides of their heads but run the entire lengths of their bodies from their heads down their shoulders and torso all the way to their legs and feet. The Trill are naturally a creative and curious species that work to enhance their skills to, potentially, be bonded with a Trill symbiont.

The Symbiont is a creature which is implanted into and joins with a Trill host. Not all Trill become joined, and only a portion of their population is selected to be eligible for joining after an intense screening process. Once joined the Trill can access the skills and memories of all of the previous hosts of the joined Symbiont; nevertheless, once joined the host and Symbiont cannot be separated until the host is near death or has just died. Doing so would kill the host and possibly the symbiont if it is not transplanted into another host or returned to its natural liquid-based environment.

For a comprehensive list of Alpha and Beta Quadrant species, please visit Memory Alpha.

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