Biography Creation

Created by Captain Luzol Targaryen on Sun Feb 23rd, 2025 @ 12:19am

Character creation is the first step that any player takes when joining an online role-playing game and is one of the most fun parts of the process and your character biography lays the groundwork for the character that you're going to play within the group. Your character biography is not a static document and will change as new experiences are had and as you flesh out your character more through the (hopefully) years you play the character.

As the first part of your adventure with this group your character biography will be reviewed by the Game Masters of the game. Please try to be thorough with your bio and, where applicable, avoid one word answers while designing the character that you will be playing.

Background Rules

  • Due to the content of our stories, no players under the age of 18 will be accepted at this time.
  • All characters must be, at minimum, 21 years of age or older and should have already graduated from Starfleet Academy.
  • No assumption should be made on the rank of your character. Your character's rank will be determined based on your character biography and is at the discretion of the Game Manager.
  • No player may play a canon Star Trek character nor should you request to play the descendant of a canon character.
  • Character species of your own creation are permitted; however, the Game Manager must agree to the species and an overview of the species must be provided.
  • We reserve the right to employ a trial period for your character before granting full membership.
  • Remember, aside from the real-world information section, this biography is about your character and not you.

Join Page

User Information

This section of the character biography is about the real you. It is the only section of the biography that should include your actual information.

Name Please enter your real name here.
E-Mail Address Please enter the e-mail address you would like to use for the game in this field. This will also be your username when logging in.
Password This will be your password for the game. Passwords are not to be shared and cannot be viewed by anyone in the Game's leadership, but e-mail can be reset by the Game Manager if necessary.
Date of Birth Please enter your Date of Birth here. As a reminder no person under 18 years of age will be accepted.
Instant Messenger(s) You can list any Instant Messenger names that you have to allow other Players a chance to interact with you outside of the game here.

Our game actively uses Discord to discuss the game and for out of character discussions.


This section identifies the name of your character and the role that your character is serving in within the game. While we will do our very best to ensure that your character is approved for membership, met we cannot guarantee a perfect match in all cases.

First Name Please enter the first name of your character here. If your character is of a species that only uses one word names, please enter a space here.
Middle Name This is the Middle Name of your character. You may enter a name here if you wish, an initial, or you can leave it blank.
Last Name This is the surname of your character. If you are playing a character with a single name, please enter it here.
Suffix A Suffix follows a person's name and provides additional information about the person. A Suffix can provide generational designations (like Sr. or Jr.), professional identifiers (such as MD or PhD), or an honor.
Position This is the position that you would like your character to have within the game. The drop down list identifies open positions within the game that you can choose from. While we will try to arrange for you to have the position you are most interested in, the Game Managers reserve the right to discuss moving your character to a different role that may be a better fit with you.

Character Info

This section goes in depth with your character and asks for more detailed information about your character. It is important to be thorough in this section, but to try to keep things believable for your character and the environment that they live in. Where opportunities exist for you to write details about your character it is strongly recommended that detail be provided.

Character Basic Information

Age This is the age of your character. Under current game guidelines we require that all characters be at least 21 years of age at this time unless special permission is granted from the Game Manager for the character to be younger. While age does factor into a character's rank, rank will also be based upon the character's merit.
Gender This dropdown lists different gender identities that your character may identify with. Please select the gender that your character most identifies with.
Species This is the Species of your character. We are accepting of most species from the Star Trek Universe to be played within the game, but some species are considered restricted and may need special permission from the Game Manager to be authorized. Hybrid species are permitted, but we request that the hybridization is kept believable and not be excessive. If you choose to play a hybrid of a restricted species, you may receive permission from the Game Manager.


Father This is the name of your character's father.
Mother This is the name of your character's mother.
Sibling(s) These are the names of your character's siblings, if any.
Spouse This is the name of your character's spouse, if applicable. If your character has an ex-spouse please identify this in the other section.
Children This is the name of your character's children, if any.
Other These are other significant members of your character's family that are of notoriety. Please remember to identify the relationship to the character in this section as well.


Height This is the height of the character.
Weight This is the weight of the character.
Physical Description This section describes the physical appearance of your character to other people and should identify specific information such as eye, hair, and/or skin color in addition to other details about your character.

Personality & Traits

Personality Overview This section of the character biography provides insight into the personality of your character, identifying how they act around others, perceive the galaxy, and make decisions.


This section of the character biography should be the longest section of document and identifies key events in your character's past.
Personal History For this section of your application you are asked to post about your character’s personal history. This section should cover events that affected your character that are not directly related to his/her career and will cover childhood to the present day. Please discuss items such as schooling, family information, and personal relationships with others in this section of the application. This portion can be as long and as detailed as you wish for it to be and any items for which you chose other should be discussed in this section.
Service Record For this section of your application you are asked to discuss your character's career history from their cadet cruise at the Academy to their most recent assignment. This portion can be as long and as detailed as you wish for it to be, but each assignment should have a separate entry and descriptive paragraph. If your character received any commendations or reprimands during their history please include them in this section.

To assist you with your planning, the Cadet Cruise takes place during the Senior Year of Academy training, is usually six months, and the character will hold the rank of Cadet during the Cadet Cruise.

When creating your character's assignments to a vessel, the traditional positing to a starbase or starship is a two year tour of duty; however, exploratory vessels may be assigned a five year tour of duty.

Sample Post

The Sample Post is the final section of your character biography and will give the Game Manager the opportunity to better understand your writing style. While the biography itself gives us a lot of insight into your character, the writing sample gives us an understanding of how you will interact with the rest of the team.

While there are two writing prompt options, you are only required to write for one of the two choices. Combining the two prompts can provide an interesting story but does not offer special influence the decision of the Game Managers to approve or deny a character.

If a biography does not include a writing sample the Game Manager will contact the applicant and request that they reply with a writing sample via e-mail.

  • A PC must be appropriate and realistic for the game that they have joined, which will be determined by the Game Master (GM) and/or their designees.
  • A PC rank is at the discretion and approval of the GM and/or their designee.
  • A PC Species is at the discretion and approval of the GM and/or their designee.

Rank Information

The determination of your character's rank will be at the sole discretion of the Game Masters of this game and will be based upon:
  • The completed character biography.
  • Previous assignments of the character, as described in the character biography. Please remember that the average assignment length is a five-year mission.
  • The character's age will be considered in rank creation, based upon average starting ages of personnel in real-world militaries. Age averages include:
    • Officer
      • O-1 Ensign: 23
      • O-2 Lieutenant (Junior Grade): 25
      • O-3 Lieutenant: 27
      • O-4 Lieutenant Commander: 33
      • O-5 Commander: 39
      • O-6 Captain: 45
    • Enlisted
      • E-1 Crewman Recruit: 18
      • E-2 Crewman Apprentice: 19
      • E-3 Crewman: 20
      • E-4 Petty Officer, 3rd Class: 21
      • E-5 Petty Officer, 2nd Class: 22
      • E-6 Petty Officer, 1st Class: 27
      • E-7 Chief Petty Officer: 32
      • E-8 Senior Chief Petty Officer: 35
      • E-9 Master Chief Petty Officer: 39
At no time should a player assume their rank while creating their character biography.

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